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This may explain the uptick in language changes lately, and why many of them were not rated as "major." Additionally, the people who did the filter from "list of PRs" to "release notes" also changed over time, so there’s some degree of filtering change there, as well. Likewise, I think the standards for writing the library stabilizations changed a bit over time too; it’s gone from more to less comprehensive and back again a few times. Senate over Bitcoin’s impact on climate change. I think there’s a number of reasons that the standard library changes dominate the total change rate. Does Rust have a small standard library? To complicate things further, starting with Rust 1.34, Cargo lost its section in the release blog posts. Big changes in Cargo still made it into the text, but the previous posts had more robust Cargo sections, and so I feel like post-1.34, Cargo was under-counted a bit. Cargo changes are toolchain changes, and so the recent calm-ness of the toolchain numbers may be due to this. On some level, it doesn’t matter if the "real" answer is that Rust rarely changes: folks still get this info by reading the posts, and so I don’t think saying that "oh, yeah you feel that way, but this graph says your feelings are wrong" is really going to help this deba
This leads to another question about those standard library changes: what is up with that weird peak around Rust 1.33? Just how big are standard libraries anyway? However, as the more popular cryptocurrencies can be freely and quickly exchanged into legal tender, they are financial assets and have to be taxed and accounted for as such. Plus, you can explore the rest of the Binance ecosystem, which includes pretty much everything in the universe of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Convenience - Binance Pay is part of the broader Binance ecosystem that includes trading services, staking, investment, mining, buying and selling cryptocurrencies, spending through Binance Card, and several other verticals. This card offers users up to 8% cashback in BNB on every purchase and is supported by Google Pay and Samsung Pay. This means you can customize the branding and design to match your own brand identity and offer it to your users under your brand name. What is the Binance Identity Verification process? Those who wish to take part in any token sales do need to complete the KYC verification process as all token sales are carried out in compliance with local jurisdictio
A lot of them are small, but still. This still is okay, because again, this analysis is about folks reading the release notes, but it’s worth calling out. In conclusion, even though I still believe that Rust has slowed down its rate of change a lot, I think that it makes total sense that not everyone agrees with me. Maybe Rust has a small, but deep standard library? Primarily, this section of the blog post tends to be the most complete, that is, out of the total amount of changes, more standard library changes make it into blog posts than other kinds of changes. Well, we added the const fn feature in Rust 1.31. After that landed, we could const-ify a number of functions in the standard library. This was mentioned above a bit, but for completeness, the structure of Rust releases means there’s a variable criteria for what makes it into a release post. As of Rust 1.4, I took over, and wrote almost every post until 1.33. I then stepped back for a while, though I did help write the 1.42 post. For example, there are some blog posts where I would have maybe omitted a small family of features, but the folks writing that post included them all, individually.