DUSTFLO PTY. 363 Pitt St. MA2233. Owner needs to offer to-day, deal, ₤ 375 or ₤ 150 down. 600 Prince's Freeway, Sydenham. Tractive colours, easy to fit, entire- sale or retail. Patton and Ross, 693 Parramatta, Rd
1928 FORD A 2-door Sedan. Oreen with natural leather trim. 161n wheels fitted. Good look, excellent mechanical order. 1932 MORRIS B h.p.
Black with un- significant red leather trim. Astor radio fitted. Effectively maintained cars and truck throughout.
Red with leather trim. Exceptional appearance Fine order mechanically. 3500 miles, unmarked, -best disadvantage- dition.
Ideal offer Saturday. Hastie, l8 Mount Ave, Punchbowl. Good light shipment.
Apply Nth. Richmond Oarage. 'Phone 43. Excellent body, caroma peak 1200w electric scooter lock new tires, excellent show up- ance. Has to be offered, offer over ₤ 178.
1928 FORD A 2-door Sedan. Oreen with natural leather trim. 161n wheels fitted. Good look, excellent mechanical order. 1932 MORRIS B h.p.
Black with un- significant red leather trim. Astor radio fitted. Effectively maintained cars and truck throughout.
Red with leather trim. Exceptional appearance Fine order mechanically. 3500 miles, unmarked, -best disadvantage- dition.
Ideal offer Saturday. Hastie, l8 Mount Ave, Punchbowl. Good light shipment.
Apply Nth. Richmond Oarage. 'Phone 43. Excellent body, caroma peak 1200w electric scooter lock new tires, excellent show up- ance. Has to be offered, offer over ₤ 178.