Asked by Wiki User The pattern in this series involves alternating between a single number increase and a jump of multiple numbers. The series starts with 2, then increases by 1 t Read more History of the United States +1 Can a white person live on an Indian reservation? Asked by Wiki User Legally, yes, a white person can live on an Indian reservation if they are married to a tribal member or have permission from the tribal government.
However, it Read more World War 2 +2 How many years ago was world war 2? Asked by Wiki User It has been about 45 years world war 11 finished in 1945 63 years agowwii ended in 1945 conclusion and result was the world went back to peace, love, moral impe Read more History of the United States +1 What is a credible character? Asked by Wiki User A credible character is someone in a story who is believable and consistent in their actions and motivations. Basically, they don't do something totally out of Read more History of the United States +3 What do native Americans wear? Asked by Wiki User The way you ask this question means you are asking what do they wear today -that would be jeans, t-shirts, tennis shoes.