Debate. The last debate at Historical hall last week was cheered by a large gathering to hear the following question discussed: Resolved, "That the people are more responsible for the high cost of living than the trusts." Affirmative, Samuel Naylor, Clarence Burns; negative, Edward Chapman, Charles Nystrum. The next debate will be held on Tuesday evening, March 5, when the following question will be discussed: Resolved, "That government ownership of transportation lines would be of more benefit to the country than private ownership." Affirmative, William Reuben Taylor, James Peck; negative, Capt. Nonconformists also grew their chapels, which began to look more like churches than meeting halls. In 1842, a meeting in Worcester passed a resolution making the point that a representative Parliament would never have backed the Corn Laws. The last meeting will be held on Saturday, March 9, from noon until ten p.m. Forge Village. Communion services at St. Anthony’s mission will be held next Sunday morning at 9:30 o’clock, Rev. A. L. Bumpus officiating.
Dust, allergens, and odor are no match for the cleaning services offered by Action Stillwater Carpet Repairs Cleaning. The Nisei units fought well and are highly decorated units. The climate, the different classes of people, the country itself, the construction of the canal and what had been accomplished in sanitary conditions were all well presented. As a member of the governor’s council, and four years’ experience in the legislature, he is well qualified to know the wisest procedure. Did you know that flooring projects are among the most popular ones? The exact boundaries of their kingdom are uncertain, but it is likely that they coincided with those of the old Diocese of Worcester. Their son Edward is living on the old Daniel Hayden place in Groton with his two children. The republican caucus for the nomination of town officers will be held at the town hall on Tuesday evening, March 5. The democrat caucus will be held on Monday evening at the same place. About Town. Charles Andrews, of Providence, was in town last week, mostly in the nature of a business visit, calling at the office of the Abbot Worsted Company at Graniteville and C. G. Sargent’s Sons’ machine shop.
Business continues to be good here, both in the mills and shops, and as soon as better weather conditions prevail the different quarries will start up, as it is understood that the numerous granite dealers here have large standing orders to fill. Mrs. Andrews, since leaving Westford, has had several paralytic shocks, which have left her partially helpless. Miss Alice L. Prescott returned to her school duties Saturday after a short vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Prescott. The ladies of the Unitarian church give an entertainment at the town hall this Saturday evening. Miss Sarah J. Precious gave a most enjoyable musicale at her home on Saturday evening. She never kept him after school again and she gave each boy a nice new pencil. He was a member of the Congregational church and for many years superintendent of the Sunday school. He served three years in the civil war in Co. A, Second Massachusetts infantry.
Elmer E. Whidden, of Whidden’s corner, has presented to the West Chelmsford school three busts of George Washington. Hon. Herbert E. Fletcher has been chosen to represent the town before the legislative committee on agriculture in an effort to establish an agricultural school in Middlesex county. He appears to be by experience and nature the best ever the town has to move this new agricultural school into place. He had held nearly all the town offices and was treasurer of the town at the time of his death. The Men’s Industrial class will meet at the same time in the church parlors. William Robinson, one of the road men with the C. G. Sargent Sons’ corporation, who injured his hand while doing some "setting up" while in Canada recently, losing one of his fingers at the time, is now getting along well, but will not be able to use his hand for several weeks. On Sunday, March 3, at the Unitarian church, Rev. Lyman B. Weeks will speak on the subject "Foreign immigration and national prosperity." The Sunday school, under the supervision of Harold Hildreth, will meet after the morning service. Miss Catherine E. Rafferty, a well-known and highly esteemed young lady of this village, and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rafferty, was united in marriage to Robert J. McNabb, a former resident of Fitchburg, at the parochial residence of St. Mary’s Catholic church in Norfolk, Va., Sunday, February 18. Rev. Fr.