A 2D Interactive Bird's Eye View Map using an HTML table and graphic tiles. Sometimes, long exposures will reveal incandescence not visible at all to the naked eye. If it is a wild yeast infection, it is not one that will desroy your batch, at least not in the drinkability department. I have also experienced this using EDME dry Ale yeast in a batch of Cream Ale that I brewed in May of this year. That tastes much better than the American yeast and I've decided that there must have been something wrong with mine. BTW: the lot date was 9/20/95. I've sworn off the American Strain for awhile. I forget who asked this but: Concerning bottling a batch which had a LOT of carbonation and almost made capping difficult, I have had a few batches like this but have never had any problems with bottle bombs or over-carbonation when opened. But as Amasino clarifies, he's in the business of basic science - it's up to others to use the information.